Summer Special!  $100 off if you schedule your Coronary CT Angiogram appointment for the month of June.  Schedule your appointment today! Mention code JUNEFUN.

Calcium Score May Not Be Enough


Calcium Score, Real Time Results, and Consultation 


Calcium is the end-stage of atherosclerosis of the arteries of the heart (coronary arteries). Prior to formation of calcifications, fatty and fibrous plaque is often present. This fatty and fibrous plaque cannot be seen on a calcium score CT. Patients with a high calcium score of 600 may have narrowed or widely open arteries. A Coronary CT Angiogram with contrast is needed to see inside the arteries of the heart.


Contrast is Needed to Show Narrowing of the Arteries of the Heart

(Coronary Arteries)


Calcium Score

Without contrast, a calcium score cannot show if the arteries of the heart are narrowed.

Learn More


Coronary CT Angiogram

With contrast and heart medications, a Coronary CT Angiogram can illustrate narrowing of the arteries of the heart.

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Cardia Vision, LLC.
2265 116th Ave NE, Suite 110-6
Bellevue, WA 98004
Phone: 425-200-0548
Fax: 425-998-0269

Office Hours

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